People are using the Internet increasingly to connect with people and organizations around the world for personal conversations, work-related research, entertainment, shopping and much more. As using the Internet becomes more popular, the dangers associated with spending time online become much more prevalent. Cyber security is an important aspect of overall safety for any individual, business or government entity, but many people are simply not aware of the basic steps that should be taken in order to ensure safety on the Internet. Although awareness of online security should involve constant effort, the month of October has been singled out as National Cyber Security Awareness Month.
National Cyber Security Awareness Month was established in 2004 by the Department of Homeland Security’s National Cyber Security Division. It was conceived as a means of increasing awareness of the many threats associated with operating online. During each October since the inception of the program, computer and Internet experts have educated computer users through school and workplace visits as well as tips and advice posted on social media networks. These efforts have increased awareness of cyber security tremendously. By teaching people to simply stop and think before connecting to an online entity, the campaign has inspired numerous individuals to take online security more seriously.
Those who want to learn more about the National Cyber Security Awareness Month campaign can gain additional information from a variety of sources. Through these sources, individuals, businesses and other entities can become more involved while learning how to comply with the standards put forth by the Department of Homeland Security. Interested parties can start with the following links:
The Presidential Proclamation for the 2012 National Cyber Security Awareness Month —
Official information about National Cyber Security Awareness Month from the United States Department of Homeland Security —
Learn more about the DHS Stop. Think Connect. Campaign —
Information and recommendations from the FBI regarding National Cyber Security Awareness Month —
These links contain a wealth of information about Internet security. Additionally, they feature information that anyone can use to increase online security in the home or workplace. By becoming familiar with this information, people can play an important role in this year’s National Cyber Security Awareness Month.